tinea cruris behandling

Medicine (Baltimore). Yehia MA, El-Ammawi TS, Al-Mazidi KM, Abu El-Ela MA, Al-Ajmi HS. https://profreg.medscape.com/px/getpracticeprofile.do?method=getProfessionalProfile&urlCache=aHR0cDovL2VtZWRpY2luZS5tZWRzY2FwZS5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS8xMDkxNDczLXRyZWF0bWVudA==. Svamp symptomer mænd Välkomstdag - Studentsidor. Tinea capitis (fluorescerer i Woods light) Lichen planus . Fodsvamp (Tinea pedis). Also see: tinea cruris in Hindi. Clinical, epidemiological, and therapeutic profile of dermatophytosis. However, recurrence is common, especially if predisposing factors are not addressed or antifungal treatment is stopped before mycological cure. "Utslag hos utslagen". Raised border and central clearing Typiskt en fläck på ett underben hos en gubbe. [Medline]. 2016 Nov-Dec. 48 (6):659-664. 9 (2):90-95. Thakur R, Kalsi AS. [ 1] In pediatric and female patients, the infection may appear on any surface of the face, including the upper lip and chin. Adams BB. Shiraki Y, Hiruma M, Matsuba Y, et al. As the name suggest, Tinea Barbae is solely limited to males and does not affect females in any way. Mycoses. Ringorm forårsager ujævn udslæt og mere, afhængigt af hvor det udvikler sig. Mycoses. Arch Dermatol Res. About 1-inch of topical cream was applied of the surrounding skin once daily for 7 days. Pires CA, Cruz NF, Lobato AM, Sousa PO, Carneiro FR, Mendes AM. Games. The rash can extend down the inner aspect of the thigh or to the lower abdomen and pubic area. Janet Fairley, MD Professor and Head, Department of Dermatology, University of Iowa, Roy J and Lucille A Carver College of Medicine Dyr kan være asymptomatisk. Dirk M Elston, MD Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine Tinea cruris. [Full Text]. Topical therapy is recommended for a localized infection because dermatophytes rarely invade living tissues. Chatterjee D, Ghosh SK, Sen S, Sarkar S, Hazra A, De R. Efficacy and tolerability of topical sertaconazole versus topical terbinafine in localized dermatophytosis: A randomized, observer-blind, parallel group study. It may even arise in the absence of and without a preceding a “primary” eczema (eg, in nummular dermatitis). Det medicinska namnet på sjukdomen är tinea pedis, från latinets namn på hudsvamp och . Tinea Corporis. Ved udbredt tinea corporis og ved sikker diagnostik kan gives oral behandling, hvis der ikke er tilstrækkelig effekt af lokalbehandling ; Terbinafin. Några andra vanliga svampar är tinea barbae, tinea capitis, tinea corporis, tinea cruris, tinea faciei, tinea nigra, tinea. Tinea cruris fötter (tinea pedis, även kallad idrottsman fot), eller ljumsk (tinea cruris, kallas jock klåda). Dictionary. Read on to learn how to manage it ; Tinea capitis is also called ringworm of the scalp or head. Current Trends of Dermatophytosis in Eastern Odisha. 2007 May. 2009 Aug 14. Tinea versicolor orsaker, behandling och botemedel - 2021 . om et reultat kan infektion påvirke kønorganerne, indre lår og bagdel. Topical therapy should be applied to the lesion and at least 2 cm beyond this area once or twice a day for at least 2 weeks, depending on which agent is used. Comparison of EUCAST and CLSI broth microdilu-tion methods for the susceptibility testing of 10 systemically active antifungal agents when tested against Candida spp. 2019;10(5):530–5. [10]. [29] It may have a reservoir effect and therefore is a good choice for noncompliant patients. 55(1):153-4. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. Flexural psoriasis genera Tinea cruris (eller "jockey klåda") är en svampinfektion som påverkar ytskiktet i huden i inguino-crurale regionen . yil opheling + 1 uge Ciclopiroxolamin creme (Mycofen) 2 x dgl. Surgical treatment is usually not indicated except for drainage of superficial vesicles, bullae, pustules, or deep abscesses. In addition, griseofulvin induces the cytochrome P-450 enzyme system and can increase the metabolism of CYP-450–dependent drugs. kan være pustuløs og angribe led. 2013 Nov. 58(6):457-60. Indian Dermatol Online J. [37]  Botanical extracts appear promising. Ringorm også kendt som tinea cruris eller lyskesvamp, er en almindelig hudsvampsinfektion. Sahoo AK, Mahajan R. Management of tinea corporis, tinea cruris, and tinea pedis: a comprehensive review. Yee G, Al Aboud AM. Infektionen skyldes dermatofytter, som er en gruppe af svampe, som trives i fugtige og varme miljøer, såsom vådt eller tætsiddende tøj. til opheling + 1 uge Terbinafin creme (Lamisil) 1 x dgl. 2011 Oct 14. The steroid can provide rapid relief from the inflammatory component of the infection, but the steroid should only be applied for the first few days of treatment. Køb effektiv behandling af svamp i lysken hos Online Apoteket - atlant. Patients were randomized to receive luliconazole or vehicle cream. [35], Based on E-test for susceptibility of T rubrum, voriconazole was the most active and fluconazole was the least active of the azole drugs. Tinea cruris, ofte kjent som jock kløe, er en annen vanlig soppinfeksjon i huden. 2020 Jun 30. [Medline]. En vaginal svampeinfektion, også kendt som candidiasis, er en almindelig tilstand. 2016. Ved behandling skal udslæt være væk inden for 2-3 uger. Mycoses. 38(5 Pt 3):S42-7. [Medline]. [27], The topical azoles (eg, econazole, ketoconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, oxiconazole, sulconazole, sertaconazole) inhibit the enzyme lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase, a cytochrome P-450–dependent enzyme that converts lanosterol to ergosterol. Mycoses. Mycoses. Note that this may not provide an exact translation in all languages, Home Seyfarth F, Ziemer M, Gräser Y, Elsner P, Hipler UC. Ringorm er ikke farligt, men bør behandles. . Br J Dermatol. [Medline]. Kronisk palmar og . Därefter antimykotiskt medel (imidazolderivat som t.ex. Indian J Dermatol. Hautarzt. It causes membrane instability by accumulating inside fungal cells and interfering with amino acid transport across the fungal cell membrane. Janet Fairley, MD is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American Federation for Medical Research, Society for Investigative DermatologyDisclosure: Nothing to disclose. 2002 May 15. Share cases and questions with Physicians on Medscape consult. Well-defined plaque. [Medline]. Fundet i bogen – Side 1662... er : • applikation af præparatet flere gange dagligt • behandling i lange ... minuttismum : tinea pedum , tinea manuum , tinea corporis , tinea cruris ... DermNet NZ does not provide an online consultation service. Sørg for at du kjenner symptomene på disse 10 sopp- og gjærinfeksjonene - og hvordan du skal behandle dem. 2020 Jan. [Medline]. [Medline]. Neglesopp: Voksne: 1 tablett daglig i 6-12 uker. arvelig, kronisk imunmedieret sygdom. 2007. Books about skin diseasesBooks about the skin If there is no improvement, other dermatoses can be considered. køer, geder, grise og heste). Majid I, Sheikh G, Kanth F, Hakak R. Relapse after Oral Terbinafine Therapy in Dermatophytosis: A Clinical and Mycological Study. Hald M, Arendrup MC, Svejgaard EL et al. Indian J Pharmacol. 2019; Svampinfektion Tinea Cruris. Fundet i bogen – Side 14523413456 behandling . ... o delatelnosti F. F. Erismana posle ot “ ezda ego iz Eriksson G , Gip L : Tinea follicularis cruris -- en vanlig ( Swe ) Rossil . 315 (23):2622. 2007 Jul. Forums. [33], Systemic azoles (eg, fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole) function similar to the topical agents, causing cell membrane destruction. En sund vagina indeholder bakterier og nogle svampeceller. . What tinea cruris means in Kannada, tinea cruris meaning in Kannada, tinea cruris definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of tinea cruris in Kannada. Diep D, Calame A, Cohen PR. Psoriasis vulgaris (nummulat/ en plaque). Detta tillstånd stöds av dermatofytsvampar, som huvudsakligen tillhör Trichophyton- släktet. Luliconazol-topikal (til huden) bruges til behandling af atletfod (tinea pedis) eller jock-kløe (tinea cruris) hos voksne og børn, der er mindst 12 år gamle. Hvad er symptomerne på ringorm, og hvordan ved du, om du (eller dit barn) har det? behandling: lokalt, steoid (risico for rebound effekt) og d-vitamin-analoger, UVB, evt keratolytika ved tykkeskæl fx i hårbunden. [Medline]. 2018 Mar-Apr. 2. These agents inhibit the synthesis of ergosterol, a major fungal cell membrane sterol. 1998 May. [36]. Schreuder MF, van de Kar NC, Brüggemann RJ. Tinea pedis, or athlete's foot, is the most common dermatophyte infection in adults but is rare in infants. [Medline]. Oral itraconazole in doses of 100 mg/d for 2 weeks shows high efficacy. De hyppigste arter er Epidermophyton . Se Foto Tinea Cruris Tinea cruris är vanligare hos män än kvinnor och förekommer ofta under sommarsäsongen, efter en riklig svettningsepisode. 2015; 95(1):12-9, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24556907 (Lokaliseret 8. marts 2018), 2982. Amor Khachemoune, MD Director of Mohs and Laser Surgery, Dermatopathology, Premier Dermatology, PC; Associate Program Director, Mohs Micrographic Surgery Fellowship Training Program, Co-Chief of Dermatologic Surgery, Consulting Staff Physician, Dermatology Service, VA Hospital of Brooklyn; Mohs Surgeon, Veterans Affairs Hospital of Baltimore; Chair Professor, Vitiligo Research Chair, Department of Dermatology, King Saud University; Consultant Dermatologist, Kadina Medical Center, KSA Under infektion dannes hyppigt såvel runde Eftersom orsaken till tinea versicolor är en jäst snarare än en sann dermatofyttsvamp, är termen pityriasis . The weakened dermatophyte is unable to reproduce and is slowly killed by fungistatic action. [11, 12, 13], The mechanism of action of oral micronized griseofulvin against dermatophytes is disruption of the microtubule mitotic spindle formation in metaphase, causing arrest of fungal cell mitosis. 2009;84(3):133–7. 2006 Sep. 298(4):191-9. Der henvises i øvrigt til Produktinformation på EMAs hjemmeside. Det är bäst att söka behandling. Guidelines for superficielle svampeinfektioner. 2019; Svampeinfektioner Antifungal medicin Oral Thrush (Gærinfektion) Thrush in Men Atleters fod (Tinea Pedis) Candidal Skin Infection (gær infektion) Svampeinfektion (Tinea Cruris) Ringorm (Tinea Corporis) Svampehalsbetændelse (Hårbundsringorm) Svampe lunge infektioner . Basisoplysninger Definition. Use of oral agents requires attention to potential drug interactions and monitoring for adverse effects. Jain S, Kabi S, Swain B. 2016 Sep-Oct. 61 (5):529-33. Tinea corporis is a superficial dermatophyte infection characterized by either inflammatory or noninflammatory lesions on the glabrous skin (ie, skin regions except the scalp, groin, palms, and soles). Tinea faciei is a superficial dermatophyte infection limited to the glabrous skin of the face. Tinea cruris should be considered in the clinical setting of an asymmetrical scaly rash in the groin and confirmed on a skin scraping for mycology [see Laboratory tests for fungal infections]. And more. Itraconazole 50mg once daily elicited less consistent results, while . [Medline]. transmission. Dessa svampar parasiterar på hudens hornämne som digereras . Fundet i bogen – Side 195... Psoriasis ( 1 ) , Ulcera cruris ( 1 ) , Scabies ( 2 ) , Tinea favosa scroti ( 1 ) ... 28 Gange flere nye Udbrud forekom 24 efter merkuriel Behandling . Eller behandling til en simpel børnelæge, det skal være en flygtning ved brug af svampedrætssalver i den anbefalede periode med medicinsk hår, ud over at være indikeret for at undgå at blive i lang tid og bruge offentligt tilgængelige vandmeloner. Imperative for preventing the spread of a dermatophyte infection is to discourage close contact between infected and noninfected individuals and to stop the sharing of fomites (eg, towels, hats, clothing). typisk debut 15-30 års alderen. [Medline]. All ages can develop tinea cruris, adolescents and adults more commonly than children and the elderly. Tinea cruris caused by T. rubrum may be unilateral and may be only one part of a generalized scaly, erythematous, plaquelike eruption. Saiba hvordan man identificerer og behandler tinea pedis. * Ciclopirox har tillige en vis antibakteriel effekt og anvendes derfor til erytrasma. Indisert ved tinea capitis hos voksne, utbredt tinea corporis, dyp tinea (papel- og pusteldannelse), terapiresistent tinea cruris, samtidig tinea cruris og pedis eller tinea unguium. Accessed: November 18, 2013. Dermatomykoser -tinea pedis-tinea corporis-tinea cruris-candida-infektioner 150 mg én gang om ugen eller 50mg én gang dagligt 2-4 uger,ved tinea pediskan op til 6 ugers behandling være nødvendig.-tinea versicolor 300-400 mg én gang om ugen 1-3 uger 50 mg én gang dagligt 2-4 uger-tinea unguinium (onykomykose) 150 mg én gang om ugen ** Vori- og posaconazol har in vitro effekt overfor dermatofytter, men er ikke registreret til denne indikation. This website also contains material copyrighted by 3rd parties. Patel GA, Wiederkehr M, Schwartz RA. 980487-overview Evidence-based Danish guidelines for the treatment of Malassezia-related skin diseases. Typically, over the upper inner thighs, there is an intensely itchy red raised rash with a scaly well-defined curved border. [Medline]. Chronic tinea cruris presents as a large well-, Morse code hairs — indicate invasion of vellus hairs, Careful towelling after washing to avoid transfer of fungi from the feet, Treatment of triggers such as hyperhidrosis or obesity, Oral antifungal medication for extensive or, Treatment of tinea at other sites such as tinea pedis or tinea unguium, Mild topical steroid can be used short-term to reduce itch, but is not appropriate as a monotherapy or long-term. Tinea versicolor årsager, behandling og hjemmemedicin - 2021 . Saunte DML, Hare RK, Jørgensen KM et al. [Medline]. Luzu (luliconazole topical cream 1%) [package insert]. It is the systemic drug of choice for tinea corporis infections in children. Ciclopirox olamine is a topical fungicidal agent. Tinea capitis: Läs mer om symptom, diagnos, behandling, komplikationer, orsaker och prognoser ; Ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection. Fundet i bogenDen moderne Behandling for ( efter Ehrmann ) 495 . ... Tinea tonsurans , Behandlingen af . 614 . ... Ulcera cruris , Behandlingen af 545 , 587 . Ud over kløen i lysken, det indre lår og analområdet vil der være udslæt . Foster KW, Ghannoum MA, Elewski BE. 2020 Aug 10. Rosalie Elenitsas, MD Herman Beerman Professor of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Director, Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania Health System doi:10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_423_18. DermNet provides Google Translate, a free machine translation service. Börjar med små blåsor och knottror som flyter samman till rodnade, fjällande fläckar, ibland vätskande och infekterade. i 1 uge Oral terbinafine may be used at a dosage of 250 mg/d for 2 weeks; the potential exists for cytochrome P-450, specifically CYP-2D6, drug interactions with this agent. Wingfield AB, Fernandez-Obregon AC, Wignall FS, Greer DL. Scaling is a common but not . Systemisk behandling bør ikke påbegyndes, før diagnosen er sikret. 89(2):259-64. Tinea cruris är en infektion i ljummen orsakad av en svamp. Pfaller MA, Castanheira M, Messer SA et al. 2020;99(47):e23189. Flatlus gir kløe, ofte først etter en måneds infestasjon. Oral ketoconazole at 3-4 mg/kg/d may be given. Udbredt dermatofytose 2. Kategorier Alternativ Medicin Tags Acanthamoeba, Achondroplasi (Dværgvækst), Acne (Bumser), Acne (Uren Hud), Acusticusneurinom (Knude På Hørenerven), Adhd, Afføring, Afgiftning, Alderdoms-Sukkersyge (Type 2-Diabetes), Alkoholmisbrug - Alkoholisme, Allergi, Alzheimers, Alzheimers Sygdom, Aminosyre Mangel, Ammeproblemer, Amning, Anæmi . Fundet i bogen – Side 1993... griseofulvin för allmän behandling av dermatofytoser såsom tinea capitis , tinea corporis , tinea cruris , tinea pedis , tinea unguium ( onykomykos ) SE ... Keratin er et protein der findes i hår, hud og negle. Scaly rash in inguinal skin fold Med Mycol. Singh A, Masih A, Khurana A, Singh PK, Gupta M, Hagen F, et al. Børn er mere modtagelige for ringorm end voksne. Udbrud i institutioner. All known dermatophytes may produce lesions. 2016;7(2):77–86. dirloo. Leung AK, Lam JM, Leong KF, Hon KL. Atypical manifestations of tinea corporis. Fundet i bogen – Side 18For praksis - fra praksis Under dette motto behandles emner som har ... antigen ( er ) og Tinea cruris , spesielt tinea inguina diabetes mellitus mer ... Dermatofytter er svampe, der reproduceres lettere på fugtige, varme og lukkede steder. 2009 Oct 14. 50 Suppl 2:31-5. Infection may be transmitted by clothing, sheets, or towels. Fugtige tætte omgivelser øger risikoen for svamp. Spread of the infection to the groin is commonly from the feet (tinea pedis) or nails (tinea unguium) by scratching or use of contaminated towels or bed sheets. Differential diagnosis of tinea cruris 2020. Ringorm er tæt relateret til. Det er i de fleste tilfeller tilstrekkelig med 6 ukers behandling av infeksjoner på fingernegler [Medline]. Skin diseases and conditions affecting body folds, Ringworm information for healthcare professionals. EN: Tinea cruri er en dermatophytinfektion i lyken. [Full Text]. i 1 uge Almindeligt forekommende er dermatofytosis (tinea) pedis, inguinalis, unguis, corporis og capitis. Not infrequently, additional patches of eczema develop at distant sites. [Medline]. Tinea corporis: an updated review. Tinea corporis gladiatorum. yil opheling + 1 uge Ciclopiroxolamin creme (Mycofen) 2 x dgl. The root of the disorder may be both a primary symptom, reflective of perhaps a psychological component or . tipho.cabdtin.se der hos mænd i visse tilfælde også breder sig på. Medicinsk informationssökning. With an increased dose of 200 mg/d, the treatment duration can be reduced to 1 week. 2006 Nov. 49(6):476-9. Indian J Pharmacol. Tinea versicolor orsaker, behandling och botemedel - 2021. Clonal outbreak of Trichophyton tonsurans tinea capitis gladiatorum among wrestlers in Adana, Turkey. [38]. Cutis. Tinea cruris når normalt inguinale regioner (engelsk), lår og bagdel, hvilket forårsager rødlige plaques og intens kløe. Affecting primarily pre-pubertal children between 6 and 10 years, it is more common in males than females; rarely does the disease persist past age sixteen. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. Important to note is that if the clinician suspects a dermatophyte infection, a topical steroid should not be prescribed. Etiologi Ringorm orsakas av trådsvamp (dermatofyter) tillhörande släktena Trichophyton, Epidermophyton och Microsporon. Tell us what you think: DermNet NZ does not provide an online consultation service.If you have any concerns with your skin or its treatment, see a dermatologist for advice. It is often associated with athletes foot and fungal nail infections . Tinea cruris, Authors: Created 2003; Updated Katrina Tan, Medical Student, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Dr Martin Keefe, Dermatologist, Christchurch, New Zealand. behandling: lokalt, steoid (risico for rebound effekt) og d-vitamin-analoger, UVB, evt keratolytika ved tykkeskæl fx i hårbunden. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 12 (6):e8935. 2018 Jul. Svamp i skridtet (tinea cruris) er en svampeinfektion i lysken, som berører lår, balder og nedre del af maven. Bridgewater, NJ: Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC. Steroid-salve hver dag, som ikke er for stærk, f.eks. Fundet i bogen – Side 302Hjelm man , J. V. , Om behandlingen af hudsjuk- p . 330. ... An epidemic of tinea trichophytina cruris . Phi- 302 IV . 10 . IV . 10 . Tinea Barbae which is common term known as Beard Fungus or Barber's Itch is a fungal infection of the skin in the area of the face where there is growth of beard meaning that it affects mainly the bottom area of the face and some part of the neck. Fundet i bogen – Side 785... treated were : tinea circinata , pityriasis versicolor , Hebra's tinea cruris ... Haemorrhagisk hudnecrose ved dicumarolbehandling - Hauge J.-F. Amts og ... Romano C, Massai L, Strangi R, Feci L, Miracco C, Fimiani M. Tinea corporis purpurica and onychomycosis caused by Trichophyton violaceum. 49(2):150-1. Fundet i bogen – Side 16Under det senaste året har två fall av tinea follicularis cruris ... 0,25 gX3 och samtidigt fått lokal antimykotisk behandling med fluocinolonsalva med 3 ... 50(4):314-6. Behandling er terbinafin peroralt 250 mg < Spesfont Font = "Symbol " > x </ Spesfont > 1 i 4-6 uker i samråd med dermatolog. arrow-right-small-blue til opheling + 1 uge Terbinafin creme (Lamisil) 1 x dgl. Characteristic lesions are circular and sharply marginated with a raised edge. 299(2):107-9. Tinea cruris in children. Inhibition of this enzyme results in unstable fungal cell membranes and causes membrane leakage. [Medline]. Men når balancen mellem bakterier og svampe ændres, kan svampecellerne formere sig. 2009 Sep 22. Singh S, Shukla P. End of the road for terbinafine? Borger Fagperson Tinea corporis (ringorm) 05.03.2019 . da Silva Barros ME, de Assis Santos D, Soares Hamdan J. Antifungal susceptibility testing of Trichophyton rubrum by E-test. Fotsvamp eller tinea pedis är en infektion av en svamp som lever i det yttersta hudlagret där cellerna är döda, de så kallade . Zhao D, Chen B, Wang YT, Jiao CH. 2007. Acute tinea cruris may present as a moist and exudative rash. [Medline]. 2018 Jun 8. Svejgaard EL, Nilsson J. Onychomycosis in Denmark: prevalence of fungal nail infection in general practice. Dermatophytosis inguinalis (tinea cruris) ...15 Dermatophytosis (tinea) manuum et pedis...17 Onykomykose . 2017 Jul-Aug. 83 (4):436-440. [10]. Unilateral rash in groin Andrews MD, Burns M. Common tinea infections in children. Tinea cruris II Behandling Lokalbehandling kan forsøges, men systemisk behandling ved store udbredte infektioner og specielt ved follikulær reaktion Lokalbehandling Azolderivater i creme 2 x dgl. Acta Derm Venereol. doi:10.2147/CCID.S262704. The Spectrum of Fungal Infections with a Special Reference to Dermatophytoses in the Capital Area of Kuwait During 2000-2005: A Retrospective Analysis. Brooks, M. FDA Approves New Topical Antifungal Luliconazole 1%. 2004 Jan. 150(1):119-26. Bhatia A, Kanish B, Badyal DK, Kate P, Choudhary S. Efficacy of oral terbinafine versus itraconazole in treatment of dermatophytic infection of skin - a prospective, randomized comparative study. Infection is acquired from an active lesion of an animal, by direct human contact, or from soil. Dermatophytosis or ringworm with mildly raised boarder and central clearing. Superficial fungus infection of the groins, mainly caused by E. floccosum, T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes. The preferred treatment for tinea imbricata is griseofulvin or terbinafine, although some resistance has developed to oral griseofulvin. Topics A–Z 2014;(8):CD009992. Tinea cruris, also known as jock itch, is a common type of contagious, superficial fungal infection of the groin region, which occurs predominantly but not exclusively in men and in hot-humid climates.. 2012; , http://www.dds.nu/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Guidelines-for-superficielle-svampeinfektioner_version-2.pdf (Lokaliseret 6. juni 2016), 787. Fundet i bogen – Side 302Hjelmman , J. V. , Om behandlingen af hudsjuk- p . 330. 1890 . domar och syfilis på Dr. Lassars ... Stahl , An epidemic of tinea trichophytina cruris . Hudsvampe inddeles i tre grupper efter deres foretrukne vært: geofile (jord), zoofile (dyr) og antropofile (mennesker). [Medline]. Fundet i bogenHjelmman , J. V. , Om behandlingen af hudsjuk- p . 330. ... epidemic of tinea trichophytina cruris . Phi- 302 IV . 10 . IV . 10 . Tinea cruris caused by T. rubrum may be unilateral and may be only one part of a generalized scaly, erythematous, plaquelike eruption. Lyskesvamp (Tinea cruris). Choudhary S, Bisati S, Singh A, Koley S. Efficacy and Safety of Terbinafine Hydrochloride 1% Cream vs. Sertaconazole Nitrate 2% Cream in Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris: A Comparative Therapeutic Trial.